The view does not have direct contact with the controller. 视图并不直接与控制器交互。
In a minute, you'll go back to your controller and add a contact() function to handle the form post data. 下面,您将返回控制器并添加contact()函数来处理表单发布数据。
The view can have direct contact with the model, but it also works with a copy of the model as a means of passing data to the controller. 视图可以直接与模型交互,但是它也使用模型的一个副本,以便将数据传递给控制器。
Electronic temperature contact controller 接触式电子温度控制器
All door controllers are in continual contact with the central server, and any offline controller alerts the manager via email. 所有大门控制器不断连接中央服务器,并且任何的离线控制器会通过电子邮件提醒管理员。
Prevent direct contact of reels to drying chamber side and bottom walls, since these may be at significantly higher temperature than oven controller indicates. 防止直接接触的卷筒到干燥室和底部一侧墙壁,因为这些可能会显着较高的温度比烤箱控制器显示。
Contact state study of combination rack with C plate and the four-way controller 组合式机架C形板与十字键接触状态研究
Failed to contact windows domain controller. 联系windows域控制器失败。
One pilot said he made several attempts to contact the only controller on duty and had to abort his landing during the final approach. 一名飞行员表示,他多次试图联系当时值班的唯一一名调度员,最后一次不得不取消降落。
Tram is the main transport equipment in the factory of mine production, and the most usual faults in it are: the contact point of motorman controller or assemble of contact point burn out; 架线电机车是煤矿生产的主要运输设备,其最常见的故障是:司控器触点或触点装配烧损;
The article introduces the working principle, the noise immunity and the operation of a DGK duplex thyristor switching console consisting of the following two main parts: a thyristor non& contact switch and an HTL programmed controller. 本文介绍由双向可控硅作为无触点开关和HTL电路组成程序控制器两大部分构成DGK低压硅开关控制柜的原理、抗干扰及运行情况。
Furthermore, according to the present and future contact force status, the controller can adjust the gains of the future and current contract force error to make the controller adaptive to the dynamic contact process between environment and robot. 而且,该控制器可以按照当前和将来的接触力状态来调节预测的接触力误差和实际测得的当前接触力误差的权值,使控制器对机器人和环境之间的动态接触过程具有适应性。
The experimental identification results proved the correctness of the theoretical analysis. The model can be used to design the contact force controller according to different contact stiffness. 基于建立的谐波驱动系统实验平台,利用动态信号分析仪进行了接触力的模型实验辨识研究,得到从电机驱动器到力传感器输出的动态特性模型,为接触力控制器设计提供参考。
The structural speciality make AMB system have advantages of no contact, no friction, no lubrication, longevity of service, and so on, but also make AMB system have the characteristic of nonlinearity, instability and parameter uncertainty which brings difficulty to the design of controller. 这种结构特殊性,使得该系统具有无接触、无摩擦、无需润滑及寿命长等优点,同时也使得该系统具有本质非线性、不稳定性和参数不确定性,给控制器的设计带来了很大的难度。
Making use of communication based on CAN force sensor can send contact force information to robot controller for force control immediately and accurately. 采用CAN通讯可以确保力传感器准确、及时地把力信息传送给控制器进行力控制。
Protection of Contact Out Unit of Programmable Controller 可编程控制器触点输出单元保护问题
Ethernet controller is the key equipment that if we want contact the Ethernet. The development and requirement of market ask the Ethernet has higher speed and more functions. So, it give the Ethernet controller a high level capability requirement. 而以太网控制器芯片是我们的上网设备和以太网进行连接的核心部件,市场需求和发展要求以太网具有更高的速度和更为完善的功能,因此对以太网控制器芯片也提出了更高的性能要求。